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Unique Features

You won't find this on any other good server.

Worldwide Players

All Languages and Time Zones

Discord-MC Linked

Chat on both discord and minecraft to the people on the server

Active Community

Exceptional community contributions that play throughout 24 hours of the day.

Nicest Owner

Bait was voted the nicest and most involved anarchy server owner on the planet (July 2019).

Well-Rep. Community

Nobody hates a player.

OP Items and Dupes

OP Items freed from the past and 1.12 Dupe Enabled.

Exceptional Staff

Staff that love their job. Seriously, they're passionate about 8b8t (Discord only)

Kind community

Although not all are kind, 8b8t has been high in the ranks of 'new kid' friendliness.

Features: Features
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